Curator, Artist
1968, Kinshasa, DR Congo

Aimé Mpane splits his time between Kinshasa and Brussels. His art is fed by the trips back and forth between his native Africa and his adoptive Europe.

The “deterritorialization” of the Outlandish so dear to Deleuze is also that of the essential connections, the threads and bridges, the seams and nets that are vital to avoid losing one’s way.

It is the deterritorialization of the transfers that refer to the relationship and the search for complementarities, the link across the chasm gouged out between Africa and Europe, black and white, past and present, traditional culture and contemporary culture.

Aimé Mpane’s work primarily addresses the legacy and traces of colonialism in Africa, but never in a self-pitying way. He appeals to the solidarity of the human race and to the collective consciousness. His artworks speak of human dignity, hope, courage, empathy and perseverance.


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