Team: Bruno Machado

Bruno Machado

Bruno Machado is a researcher at the Centre of Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon (ULisboa). He graduated in Geography, ULisboa, dedicating his final work to the theme of the "return", entitled Memórias africanas, lugar europeu: a identidade do “retornado”. He concluded his Masters in Population, Society and Territory, ULisboa, with the dissertation Os filhos dos “retornados”: a experiência africana e a criação de memórias, pós-memórias e representações na pós-colonialidade. He holds a PhD in Human Geography from the same University with the thesis Mobilidade intra-europeia e estado-providência: a proteção social nas aspirações e trajetórias dos migrantes portugueses, exploring the relationship between migration and social protection. His main research interests are identities, imaginary geographies, migrations, memories, post-colonialism and post-memory. 
He is the executive manager of the Reimagining Europe database.
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