felipecammaert@ces.uc.pt CES PROFILE ACADEMIA.EDU
Passados reapropriados: pós-memória e literatura (2022) comments on the richness of literary representations of post-memory in the postcolonial context. Based on a selection of writers from Portugal, France and Belgium, studied within the project "MEMOIRS - Children of Empires and European Postmemories", the book is interested in some of the themes common to the writings of these three countries, in particular the issues of the re-enactment of ghosts and colonial myths in these works, as well as the re-appropriation of colonial memories through a new reading of the images and archives of that period. Equally, this essay focuses on the modalities of the configuration of post-memory in literature, and namely on the nature of the connection that the seven selected authors maintain with the past of their respective countries. This book explores the specific situations in which the memory of colonialism is represented, in literature, beyond the existence of a biographical link between the writer's descendant and the family past, thus appealing to a transmission of a cultural type. In sum, Passados reapropriados: pós-memória e literatura intends to show the dynamics and potentialities of the narrative device to represent, in the spatio-temporal reality of fiction, the intergenerational transfers of the European colonial trauma.
Cover image: Mário Faria, medical militia ensign, Mozambique, 1968. © Private archive of Paulo Faria (Courtesy of the writer).
A city is never the same. Five writers venture into five very different places: pre-perestroika Moscow; strange and distant Wroclaw, in Poland; Havana with its chiaroscuro; an unconventional Buenos Aires; and Lisbon, split in two by the Tagus river, through the eyes of a specialist of Lobo Antunes. In all these stories, nomadism emerges as a natural and necessary condition of writing. In the style of travel journals, these narratives share the power, humour and emotion of the best non-fiction literature.
This volume examines from a comparative point of view the representation of memory in the works of António Lobo Antunes and Claude Simon. Drawing from the observation of the act of writing as an explicit act of memory, this study establishes a theoretical category (memory writing), which contains the principles of the inner mimesis shared by Simon and Antunes. Furthermore, this volume analyzes the consequences of this mnemonic form of narration when dealing with History in times of war and the subsequent quest for selfhood.
The Basic Library of Colombian Culture is an open access digital book collection (in HTML, PDF and EPUB format), gathering the essential works of Colombian culture in its different manifestations. Its main aim is to preserve and spread Colombian bibliographic heritage through a free, high-quality content, in an easy to use computer platform. The first 25 volumes are a sample of the most representative works of Colombian literature since its beginnings.
The classic and contemporary texts - many of which still unpublished in Portuguese - gathered in this anthology are explorations of naturalism as a polysemic and transhistorical notion, within an interdisciplinary approach seeking to study the concept of naturalism throughout history.
In this volume, a selected group of scholars reflect on the art of the novel in Lobo Antunes' works. The papers stress the existence of a new paradigm literary within the antunian universe that leads to an innovative conception of the novel. Amongst the main topics developed are the weight of autobiographical phenomena in Antunes' chronicles, the multiple textual variations in his novels' drafts, the fluctuations between tradition and innovation within the novelistic genre and the notion of "abstract writing" which lies beneath the writer's production.
2021 - "'Souvenir from Lisbon': escrita, representação e punctum em António Lobo Antunes'", Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies, V. 6, p. 18-28.
2020 - "A voz das imagens coloniais: arquivos e violência nas obras literárias da pós-memória", Confluenze, Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani, V. 12, N. 2, p. 96-108.
2020 - "Titularidade da experiência e pós-memória nas literaturas pós-coloniais europeias", Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 9, n. 2, p. 161-179.
2019 - "A visita da tia Teresa : experiência da guerra colonial e resiliência pela escrita em Os Cus de Judas", Revista Colóquio/Letras, n.º 201, Maio, p. 20-31.
2019 - "Imagens de África na literatura portuguesa "pós-Lobo Antunes": o olhar da segunda geração sobre a guerra colonial", in Margarida Calafate Ribeiro | Phillip Rothwell (org.), Heranças Pós-Coloniais nas literaturas em língua portuguesa, Porto: Afrontamento, p. 309-321.
2018 - "Uma viagem sonora pela Lisboa de Fernando Pessoa", Pessoa Plural, 14, p. 398-401.
2018 - "Todas las mujeres portuguesas fueron a la guerra colonial", in Lídia Jorge, La costa de los murmullos. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 9-14.
2017 - "Le Cul de Judas d'António Lobo Antunes", in Cécile Brochard (dir.), Expériences de l?Histoire, poétiques de la Mémoire. Paris: Ellipses, 173-224.